Housing Transition

Developing a housing transition plan

Supporting the person in applying for benefits to afford their housing

Assisting the person with the housing search and application process

Assisting the person with tenant screening and housing assessments

Providing transportation with the person receiving services present and discussing housing related issues

Helping the person understand and develop a budget

Helping the person understand and negotiate a lease

Helping the person meet and build a relationship with a prospective landlord

Helping the person find funding for deposits

Housing Sustaining

Developing, updating and modifying the housing support and crisis/safety plan on a regular basis

Transportation with the person receiving services present and discussing housing related issues

Promoting/supporting cultural practice needs and understandings with landlords, property managers and neighbors

Assistance with the housing recertification processes

Continued training on being a good tenant, lease compliance, and household management

Supporting the person to apply for benefits to retain housing

Supporting the person to understand and maintain/increase income and benefits to retain housing

Supporting the building of natural housing supports and resources in the community including building supports and resources related to a person’s culture and identity

Working with property manager or landlord to promote housing retention

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